I’m a CREATIVE who delivers
Human Centered Experiences…
Whether it’s Digital, In-Person or a Hybrid approach, I’m excited to share your journey!
I’m a CREATIVE who delivers
Human Centered Experiences…
Whether it’s a Digital, In-Person or a Hybrid Approach, I’m excited to share your Journey!
What I'm bringing to the table...
Vision & Strategy
I'm a big picture kind of guy. One of my strengths is the ability to connect the dots between disparate ideas. I draw upon my many interests. I like to think in the bigger context and then scale down from there.
In my experience, everyone has something to offer. My role as a leader is to help inspire and uncover that creativity. I want to find roles for everyone on my team that fit their strengths and offer fulfillment.
Whether it's brainstorming, team building, producing, product or content creation, I feed off of others creative energy. In my experience, truly great products and services are the result of collaborative multifunctional efforts.
A lifetime of performing, studying the craft of acting and pursuing a professional career has instilled in me the art of storytelling. I can easily step into the role of customer or stakeholder to empathize and address their pain points.
A Generalist
In a specialist world...
I have a wide variety of interests, talents and experiences that I use in my dot connecting.
I’ve been an entrepreneur, Executive Life-Coach, UX Designer, College Professor, Personal Brand Expert, Actor, Singer Comedic Improvisor, camp counselor, and former Bartender and caterer in NYC.
I’ve coached, facilitated, been on set, served, collaborated, and been in the with room with names you would know, from business to athletes to celebrities.
I’ve drawn from each of these experiences to deliver the Human Centered Experience your looking for to serve your customers.
- Executive Business & Life Coach
- Business & Service Design
- XD: Experience Design
- CX: Customer Experience Design
- UX: User Experience Design

Oh, The Places I've Been...
I’ve had the privilege to speak, teach and offer my brand of thought leadership
Every person and situation before you
is your teacher.- Unknown -
I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients
Number of people I’ve instructed
in some capacity
Number of Countries
my clients come from
Here what others have said…